Service Explanation

Whether starting or operating businesses in Mining and Energy sectors may incur more cost than revenue without a prior market research, more often due to unpredicted market behaviour influence your sales performance. Hence, a strong market study is required to support your idea with fact-based market research instead of merely stay with gut feeling. The study also aims to catch a potential customer as the main users of your business so that you can be informed and prompt sales strategy. Therefore, this service can help you to ensure the marketability of your business activities and robust your sales strategy.

Deliverables: Comprehensive market study report

Duration: -+ 3 months


The study provides careful attention to the following: 1. Market Analysis, focus on: - Identify industry size, - Growth rates, - Critical Drivers, - Opportunity & challenges, - Major players, - Market forecasts as well as emerging trends, and - Brief competitive analysis of key competitors 2. Target Market, focus on: - Demographic overview, - Elasticity of supply and demand, - Scenario marketing planning, - Identifying prioritize customer, - Challenge in sales, and - Sales strategy