Service Explanation

Energy Economics is the field that studies the utilization of energy resources and energy commodities and its consequences, while Energy Policy is the manner of a government to address issues of energy development and management including energy production, distribution, and consumption. As integration from mining and extraction industries, energy resource management and optimization take important roles in sustainable development, especially the optimization of non- renewable energy resources and renewable energy resources. We endeavour to support many studies and researches related to energy economics & policy such as analysis of energy demand, energy supply, energy price, energy resources optimization, and energy commodities substitution, especially for depletable energy resources as the transition to renewable energy resources as well as environmental issues of energy uses. Supported by various experts from energy sectors, we are confident to support related stakeholders to achieve the optimal use and management of energy resource commodities.

Deliverables: Energy economics & energy policy report

Duration: Depend on scope


• RE regulatory framework and policy • RE technology development • Renewable - Non Renewable Energy economics study • Renewable - Non Renewable Energy policy evaluation & strategic policy formulation • Renewable Energy Mapping, Optimization & Supply Chain study